Marco Häyhänen, male, 25

Ref 49206

Nationality: Sweden
Currently based in: Gothenburg, Sweden
Looking for: Worldwide opportunities
Experience: 100 ocean miles / 1000 coastal miles
Hi! I am an experience and keen sailing enthusiast. Born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden where is was introduces to sailing after the age of six. Ever since my interest for ocean voyages have grown. My previous experiences stretches from coastal sailing in Sweden and short cross ocean trips to Denmark. I’ve been sailing and taking care of sailing yachts since I was 17 years old. Currently I am employed as a costal charter skipper in Croatia by More sailing. When this season ends in October I would like to continue develop my sailing skills onboard a yacht crossing the Atlantic. Besides my sailing interest I have a highly compatible personality which means I never fall out with anyone. Lastly when I’m not sailing I’m studying towards a degree in engineering at Chalmers university of technology in Gothenburg. Formally Industrial engineering and management. I look forward to a phone or video call, to properly introduce myself.
Smoking: non-smoker
Relationship status: partnered
Dietary requirements:
Languages: English; Spanish;
Social Links:

Marco’s Sailing Experience

Number of years sailing: 10+
Sea miles sailed: Ocean: 100 / Coastal: 1000
Nights at sea: 0
I have experience as: Coastal Skipper
Invite this crew to
Sailing Skills Experienced
I have done this many times and am confident to help others less experienced. I am happy doing this day
I am competent doing this in daylight, or if there is someone more experienced with me
I have only done this a few times, but I am willing to learn
I have not done this before
Steer a compass course x
Keep lookout/watch-keeping x
Trimming sails – mainsail and foresail/jib x
Reefing x
Working the foredeck – setting sails including spinnakers and cruising chutes x
Navigating with GPS and paper charts at sea x
Anchoring and handling anchors x
Cooking at sea x
Using dinghies with outboard motors x
Heaving-to and other heavy weather tactics x

Other nautical or cruising skills

Using VHF radiox
Using radarx

Other nautical or relevant qualifications

Qualification Awarding Level Year
Skipper c license Croatia Charter skipper 2022
Kustskepparexamen Swedish maritime institute Coastal skipper license, vessels up to 20m 2020
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