This opportunity was posted on October 4, 2023
[ closed ] World ARC 2024 Edited and Replaced Panama to Fiji ref 14492

Adam Spiegel wants 2 crew for SV Saltair, Hallberg-Rassy 57, m.
From Panama City, Panama to Musket Cove, Fiji.
February 2025 to June 2025.
We are looking for experienced crew to join Saltair for portions of our World ARC adventure around the world. Saltair is a well-equipped 2023 Hallberg-Rassy 57 sailed by my wife and I and our 12 year old son. Since taking delivery of the boat last year in Sweden we have sailed nearly 10,000 miles together. We are looking for two crew for the following legs, each structured to be roughly one month in duration and to include both time offshore on passage and time cruising, exploring the interesting islands and atolls of the Pacific. The segments we are currently seeking crew for are: -- Panama City - Galapagos (Santa Cruz) in February (includes time exploring the Galapagos) -- Galapagos (Santa Cruz) - Marquesas (Nuka Hiva) in March (includes time exploring the Marquesas) -- Marquesas (Nuka Hiva) - Bora Bora, French Polynesia in April (various atolls along the way, including the Tuamotus) -- Bora Bora, French Polynesia - Fiji (Musket Cove) in May / June (lots of cool stops!) We may have opportunities beyond June as well. Our plan is to sail longer legs with four experienced adults onboard; shorter legs we may only take one additional crew. We will cover all costs while aboard, crew will pay round-trip travel and all shore-related costs. Crew share a spacious forward cabin with two single berths and also share the forward head with our son. Non-smokers, flexible eaters please. Crew interested in getting to know us before committing to a longer-term passage can join us in November for our passage from the Chesapeake to the Caribbean.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): Watch-leader
Sailing with a Rally: None
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: 5
Crew roles: We are looking for sailors who have offshore experience sailing at night and are comfortable standing solo night watches. We come from a yacht racing background and appreciate others who do as well. We all take turns with cooking and cleanup while on passage as well as pre-passage provisioning and setup and post-passage deep cleaning. Our son is schooled while underway so you should be comfortable sailing in a family environment. Other personal characteristics that we value include: -- Positive attitude, easy going and able to get along well with others over an extended passage at sea. A good sense of humor appreciated! -- High level of personal integrity -- owning and learning from mistakes -- Young (and/or young at heart!), active and physically fit -- Fishing and/or cooking skills appreciated! Non-smokers, flexible eaters please.
Money: captain pays all expenses
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: