This opportunity was posted on March 6, 2022
[ closed ] World ARC 2022 Cape Town – Salvador Jan/Feb 23 South Africa to Brazil ref 13375

Alan Broadbridge wants 1 crew for Island Wanderer, Island Packet 485, m.
From Cape Town, South Africa to Salvador, Brazil.
July 2023 to .
Alan & Avryl Broadbridge require 1 crew for Island Wanderer, Island Packet 485, 15.7m. World ARC leg Cape Town - Namibia - St Helena - Salvador Brazil Possibility to join us January 2023 in Cape Town South Africa I'm looking for (gender): Male. Crew roles: Shared single watches and all other aspects of boat life. Money: personal expenses including food shared equally but all boat costs paid by owners. Travel to and from boat: Crew pays outward costs owners pay return flight. Must have Ocean sailing experience
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): male
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 3
Crew roles: Crew must be very nice and prepared to undertake a share of the night watches and all other aspects of boat life. Must have Ocean sailing experience. Crew will pay their outbound travel expenses and share of food and drink expenses. We will pay return flight and all boat costs including fuel and marina costs. The World ARC Rally re starts from Cape Town on 7th January 2023. Crew would need to be on board at least 3 days before, i.e. 4th January 2023 (earliest date 30th December 2022) There is also the possibility to start instead from Namibia on about 12th January.
Money: expenses shared equally
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: