This opportunity was posted on December 23, 2023
[ closed ] Malta and Gozo Malta to Malta ref 14582

Jonathan Barkway wants 1 crew for Ultima, Oyster 56, m.
From Valetta, Malta to Valetta, Malta.
to .
My Wife and I are full-time 'live-aboard' sailors sailing at a leisurely pace around The Greek Islands and Malta. We are looking for two more crew members to be able to join us for either part or all of this journey, where we will visit remote anchorages as well as vibrant port towns, initially in Malta and Gozo. Each crew member can opt for their own cabin with access to an adjoining and lockable 'Jack and Jill' en-suite with hot water provided 24/7, even while lying at anchor. Or, they could share the double en-suite room. We have completed two Atlantic crossings on board this boat, from Cape Verde to the Caribbean and from Canada to Scotland. Your contribution of £50 per day covers the following: 3 meals per day, your share of fuel costs for the main engine, generator, diesel water heater and outboard engine. Your share of berthing costs, clearance fees or taxes.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 5
Crew roles: Positive and looking to experience the live aboard lifestyle cruising around Malta and possibly the Aegean Greek Islands.
Money: daily contribution from crew $50
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: