This opportunity was posted on May 3, 2019
[ Cancelled ] SPANISH & ITALIAN AREA STORM TRAINING Spain to Spain ref 11184

From Roses, Spain to Roses, Spain.
September 2019 to October 2019.
Five weeks in September from Roses Spain to the Illes Balears across to Sardina and Corsica around the east coast along the Italian coast in smaller beach anchorages suitable to getting a cat close to coast or beach most of the time. Sail storm training in moderate storms testing out various maneuvers employing storm jib, para-anchor, drogue and electronics. This is prep for the ARC crossing November 2019 which can be another option for you. Two crew needed. Excellent for those who wish to test their skills in heavier sea conditions before buying your own boat. But, hey, let us have fun sailing the bright days and snorkelling in the anchorages while visiting the local towns. The boat is an older but fast catamaran by Beneteau presently being upgraded (yes they did make one!!). Will send slide show if interested.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2):
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: four
Crew roles: Sailing experience and one crew with knowledge of engine mechanics preferred but not necessary. A crew member who has an interest in cooking would be an asset. To maximize best crew fit, I request a fun and very interesting personality test 10 min on line and we share our 'type'. Contract to cover all concerns to ascertain that when we all arrive on dock, there is full commitment by me as well as by you and the other participants and all concerns are addressed in advance. Nice to have fun and fun crew but also serious and committed to learning. If this is you send your interest my way, look forward to hearing from you. No age limit but no smokers. Married couple, male or females all welcomed. Training documents will be sent to create a common base of knowledge among crew.
Money: expenses shared equally $$25 USD per day x 35
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: