This opportunity was posted on November 8, 2018

[ Cancelled ] Pogo 30 / Le Marin, Martinique / January 18-26, 8 nights Martinique to Martinique ref 10405

peter cole wants 1 crew for RIA, Pogo 30, m.

From Le Marin, Martinique to Le Marin, Martinique.

January 2019 to January 2019.

Looking for 1-2 crew(want 2 crew only if it is a couple sharing a cabin). Crew must be experienced enough to skipper this type of boat on this type of itinerary. If couple, 1 person has to be experienced enough to skipper this type of boat on this type of itinerary. The other 1/2 of the couple does not need any experience. I have chartered a Pogo 30 out of La Marin, Martinique for January 18-26, 8 nights. The actual Pogo 30 I have chartered is shown at the following video link crossing the Atlantic. Cost: Share equally in the total cost of the charter on a per person basis. Total Charter Cost for 8 nights and 7 full days is: 2228€ + 120€ cleaning + 40 € consumables + food + any mooring or marina fees away from the base. Included is dinghy with motor, linens and towels. You can see more details about the boat, etc at the link below: To reserve your cabin you must pay the charter company(Open sail) 50% of your share of excluding food and consumables or approx. 612€. You can pay by credit card. The remaining 50% balance must be paid by December 15 to me by wire transfer or deposit at Citibank USA(I have already paid Open Sail 50%). If you are interested we can exchange sailing resumes and get to know each other on Skype. Norwegian Air has inexpensive non stop flights from Ft Lauderdale to Martinique (see below) for $238 RT. January 18 12:15 pm — 4:40 pm Norwegian nonstop 3h 40m FDF ‐ FLL January 26 8:30 am — 11:10 am Norwegian nonstop 3h 25m FLL ‐ FDF I am flexible regarding the itinerary. We could sail north to Dominica and Guadelupe and back. Or we could sail south to St Lucia and the Grenadines and back. Or circumnavigate Martinique. Another possibility is sail north to Guadeloupe, one way. The charter company(Open Sail) has a base in Guadeloupe. You can see sample itineraries at the links below: Martinique: 7 day Cruising Program Departure from Le Marin, The plan is arrive the afternoon or evening of January 18, provision the boat, sleep on the boat the night of Jan 18, checkout and leave first thing in the morning of Jan 19. We need to have the boat back by dark on Jan 25. We can sleep on the boat the night of Jan 25. We will have 7 full days of sailing with the wind on our beam when on a passage(due to the steady trade winds), whether we sail north or south, assuming we do an inter-island itinerary.

peter is currently based in San Lucas Sacatepequez, Guatemala

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader

Sailing with a Rally: Independent

I'm looking for (gender): either

Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 2

Crew roles: Looking for 1-2 crew(want 2 crew only if it is a couple sharing a cabin). Crew must be experienced enough to skipper this type of boat on this type of itinerary. If couple, 1 person has to be experienced enough to skipper this type of boat on this type of itinerary. The other 1/2 of the couple does not need any experience. I have chartered a Pogo 30 out of La Marin, Martinique for January 18-26, 8 nights.

Money: expenses shared equally

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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