This opportunity was posted on March 15, 2023
[ closed ] North Atlantic Summer ’23 United Kingdom to Canada ref 14150
![](/wp-content/uploads/profile_edit/wc_610593ca343cfSupertramp 10 Feb 17-1.jpg)
Peter Forbes wants 1 crew for Supertramp, Van de Stadt Samoa, m.
From Glasgow, United Kingdom to Newfoundland, Canada.
to .
Hello, This is a re-posting of an earlier one where the previous crew has had to pull out for personal reasons. Last year we cruised Svalbard and Iceland. This year we plan to sail from Scotland to Nuuk in western Greenland, departing when the season allows after mid-May. From Nuuk cruising coastal to the north and southeast as conditions allow until August. The final passage is south to overwinter in Newfoundland or Nova Scotia.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 4
Crew roles: The usual sailing skills are always welcome - navigation, electrics, diesels - but the ability to get on with others is a must. The opportunities for crew change are limited and weather delays are to be expected. This is not a cruise for those on a strict time schedule.
Money: expenses shared equally
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: