This opportunity was posted on March 17, 2025

[ active ] Nort Sea to the Med via Ireland Netherlands to United Kingdom ref 15345

Martin Brugman wants 1 crew for Med Mermaid, Oyster 595, m.

From Scheveningen, Netherlands to Gibraltar, United Kingdom.

April 2025 to May 2025.

Leisurely cruise from the cold North Sea to the warm Mediterranean. Easy going in mostly day trips from Netherlands via Normandy, South Coust UK, Southern Ireland to Spain and Portugal. Good food, good wine and good laughter, in a luxury new Oyster 595. Can join for segments or the whole trip.

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader

Sailing with a Rally: None

I'm looking for (gender):

Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 2

Crew roles: Relaxed people with at least some experience and a healthy sense of humour, able to deal with what Mother Nature throws at us.

Money: captain pays all expenses

Travel to and from boat: captain pays

Other Info:

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