This opportunity was posted on March 12, 2022
[ closed ] Jolly Harbor Antigua to Stonington CT USA, May 2022 Antigua & Barbuda to United States ref 13402

Tim Richmond wants 1 crew for Makara, Morris_46, 14m.
From Jolly Harbor, Antigua & Barbuda to Stonington CT, United States.
May 2022 to March 2022.
Owner and captain Tim Richmond is looking for one crewmember with significant open water experience to complete a crew of 3 for a May passage from Jolly Harbor to Stonington. The vessel is a Morris 46 properly fitted out for the voyage with both safety equipment and boat hardware. Expenses for the voyage are included. The starting date is flexible in the week of 9 May depending on crew requirements. We foresee further cruising in the Caribbean and the Pacific so that further opportunities are possible. The skipper and first mate/cook have been sailing cruising boats for 10 years including a recent passage from Tenerife to Antiqua (3 weeks).
Tim is currently based in Zurich, Switzerland
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
Sailing with a Rally: None
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: 3
Crew roles: Watch and boat maintenance are required. Excellent sailing and boat handling abilities are required. Previous multi-day and night ocean sailing experience is required. A couple sharing a berth is also possible.
Money: captain pays all expenses
Travel to and from boat: negotiable
Other Info: