This opportunity was posted on March 4, 2020
[ closed ] Iceland to Iceland ref 12318
![](/wp-content/uploads/profile_edit/wc_656de667200bbGRY Lorient 500.jpeg)
stephane giudicelli wants 4 crew for GRYNING, BALTIC 55, 17m.
From isafjordur, Iceland to isafjordur, Iceland.
to .
We will explore the amazing Greenland East coast, sailing in between Iceland and Greenland, and along the coast. For two weeks we'll go exploring the coast in between Kangerlussuak and Ammassalik areas (see the web page for more details) following the ice conditions. There are currently no commercial voyages organised in this wild area. These are 10 to 20 days exploration trips, in a very remote area and in full autonomy. Beginners as well as confirmed sailors are welcome aboard. The sceneries and surroundings are really impressive (Mountains, narrow inlets, ice and icebergs). There are LOTS of marine mammals. Sailing along the Greenland coast is usually very smooth and easy. It can be cold, but never below 0°C, and most of the days are sunny (and really long!) and relatively warm, especially when hiking onshore where no special gear are required. Price is per week and per crewmember in Euro. Includes kitty fees, food, fuel, satcoms (mandatory) and extra safety and leisure equipment needed. See website for more details.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): Watch-leader
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 3): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 4): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 6
Crew roles: I am more than happy to sail with couple/teams/friends. This is an active voyage, not a charter ; so every team members are asked to participate to the sailing, manoeuvres, dinghies handling, life on board activities etc.. upon their abilities and wishes. For safety reasons, we sail with 2 professional skippers on board. Ice sailing conditions might be quite demanding, so a good physical condition is required, even if this is not a race :) . The passages from and to Iceland can be rough, and we do recommend you to take few extra days in Iceland after the return trip, as the scheduled dates might be delayed due to weather conditions. You must remember that the management and the safety of the boat are fundamental for this kind of sailing, and involves every crew member, at every moment. This will be your trip as well as mine, and what we will be able to do is also what you will bring with you ; range of activities include : Photography - Wildlife watching - Hiking - Kayaking - Free diving (diving tanks are only used for safety).
Money: voyage cost $2550
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
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