This opportunity was posted on May 10, 2024
[ Cancelled ] Ft. Lauderdale to Annapolis United States to United States ref 14845

Vincent Davena wants 2 crew for Our Peace 1, Lagoon 450 Sport Top, m.
From Ft. Lauderdale, FL, United States to Annapolis, MD, United States.
June 2024 to June 2024.
Seeking two crew, total on board will be 4. We intend to arrive at the boat on June 7th in the evening or on the 8th in the am. We'll take at least one full day to familiarize all crew with the boat, we'll provision, get to know one another and then head out at the first available weather window. The route will be offshore and as direct as is possible. We intend to stay in the gulfstream as much as is possible, but given that safety is paramount we will only do so if feasible. The boat is a 2023 model, has lots of safety gear, is prepared for crossings, and a great coffee pot!
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): Watch-leader
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: 4
Crew roles: Crew #1: For this position I'd like an experienced skipper/first mate, a captain would be fine but not required. Blue water experience is required. The boat pays all on board expenses including food and transportation. Crew #2: For this position I'd like somebody who has stood watch at night, is comfortable at sea, is experienced and will help keep us all safe aboard. My son who is 18 will be a mate, he has about 9,000 blue water miles, has about 50 evenings of night watch and is capable around boats, mechanics and will be an asset to this voyage.
Money: captain pays all expenses
Travel to and from boat: captain pays
Other Info: