This opportunity was posted on April 22, 2018
[ Cancelled ] Female deck hand and Cook Malaysia to South Africa ref 9460

Sven Aaen wants 2 crew for Dana Felicia, Custom designed sloop, 20m.
From Penang, Malaysia to Cape Town, South Africa.
May 2018 to August 2019.
Sailing in west cost of Malaysia and Thailand, visiting Sri Lanka, Maldives, Chagos, Madagaskar, and South Africa.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): Female
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: 3
Crew roles: Watch keeping, cooking, cleaning, and normal maintanence of equipment.
Money: captain pays all expenses
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: