This opportunity was posted on March 3, 2023

[ Cancelled ] England to Gibraltar United Kingdom to Gibraltar ref 14123

wants 1 crew for Seraphina of Chichester, Island Packet 440, 13.95m.

From Southampton , United Kingdom to Marina Bay Gibraltar, Gibraltar.

July 2023 to August 2023.

Departing early July 2023 from south Coast of England, we are a family of four sailing to Gibraltar. Leaving the UK we will head for NW France before heading across the Bay of Biscay. En route to Gibraltar we plan to visit some the Rias of Spain and Northern Portugal.

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader

Sailing with a Rally: Independent

I'm looking for (gender): female

Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 4-5

Crew roles: You should have good offshore sailing experience, be competent and capable of standing a solo night watch. be sociable and willing to get involved in all aspects of the passage. You will be joining a family boat with two children, a 13 year old boy and teenage girl with special needs. If this doesn't deter you perhaps your right for the job!

Money: captain pays all expenses

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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