This opportunity was posted on December 19, 2023
[ active ] Circumnavigation Germany to Germany ref 14577

Gregor Biesenbach wants 2 crew for Tortuga , Reinke S10, m.
From Wilhelmshaven, Germany to Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
July 2025 to June 2028.
Planning a circumnavigation with my 11 meter sailing yacht starting in July 2025 until summer 2028 manly following the equator. Looking for one to three crew members to share the adventure of a lifetime. You can join for the complete time of the journey or jump aboard only for one or two legs (e.g. an Atlantic crossing). A circumnavigation offers the opportunity to experience almost all styles of sailing: from short trips to the next bay or island hopping to true offshore experience. The general itinerary is to cross one ocean per year: 2025/26 Atlantic (leaving the Caribbean before may 2026) 2026/27 Pacific (arriving in Oceania / Polynesia by November 2027) 2027/28 Indic (Rounding the Cape of good hope in February 2028, being back in the Caribbean by April 2028) This trip isn't a commercial cruise, so there is no fee or monthly contribution but the cost and duties aboard will be shared equally. That involves participation in keeping the boat in good shape, so as cleaning, maintenance and repairing. Navigational responsibilities like being on watch and making decisions on the next port will also be shared without neglecting the personal abilities, which will surely expand quickly over time. Speaking of money I calculate with about 1.600 € per month as the average cost for the whole crew, including building up savings for bigger repairs e.g. new sails or a broken down outboard engine for the dinghy.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 3
Crew roles: Do you dream of distant beaches, wide horizons and the vastness of the ocean? Do you have ambition, desire and perseverance? Are you prepared to work with the situation as it is and not as you would like it to be? Can you communicate your needs openly and are you not afraid to voice criticism? Then you've come to the right place. For me, sailing is a team sport. Shouting at each other during harbour manoeuvres or ego trips when deciding on the next harbour don't fit in here. Instead, openness, enthusiasm and curiosity are important qualities. Ideally, you will be about to start your career or in your mid-twenties to mid-thirties. Knowledge of French or Spanish is great but not essential.
Money: expenses shared equally
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
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