This opportunity was posted on January 19, 2017
[ Archived ] Atlantic Crossing W->E, BVI to UK (via Azores) depart BVI 1 April Virgin Islands - British to United Kingdom ref 7438

Peter Baker wants 1 crew for Fleet II, Dufour 455 Grand Large, 13.7m.
From Tortola, Virgin Islands - British to Plymouth, United Kingdom.
April 2017 to May 2017.
Good mile/experience builder with a friendly skipper and crew. Looking for reliable and socially acceptable individual with some experience to share this adventure on a shared activity and shared cost basis. Skipper has done two Atlantic crossings though this is a first for us all West to East - we can plan and learn together. Existing crew are a mix of members of the Fleet Cruising Club plus guests with a varying level of experience. Two of us have sailed together extensively before, the others new to each other. All current crew are married/partnered males in 50s/early 60s. Expecting to be in Azores around 19th April, UK by early May. With a focus on safety, we will have satellite phone and SSB radio on-board plus a wealth of safety equipment to Fastnet and World Cruising Club standards. Training will be given on arrival. Fleet II belongs to the the Plymouth based Fleet Cruising Club. We are returning Fleet II to the UK following the ARC+ 2016 and Caribbean cruising, hoping for safe fun along the way. We have four double cabins plus a dedicated area in the main cabin. We currently have four confirmed crew plus one other subject to resolving a health issue. You would form a valued 6th member of the crew or taking the place of the 5th should he not be available. Option to leave in the Azores. Join us in BVI around 30th of March.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-hot bunk
Smoking on board: non-smokers only
Total people on board: 6
Crew roles: Additional crew to share a double watch keeping rota plus other/all sailing and domestic activities including advanced planning. Involvement in all or any aspect is welcome.
Money: expenses shared equally
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
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