This opportunity was posted on October 5, 2022

[ closed ] Atlantic Crossing | Canary Islands – Cape Verde – Martinique Netherlands to Martinique ref 13824

wants 3 crew for Twister, Custom Built Schooner, m.

From Amsterdam, Netherlands to Martinique, Martinique.

October 2022 to December 2022.

This year we will be sailing across the Atlantic ocean! This is THE classic adventure and we are so excited to finally be able to organize this one. Happy and safe! We have scheduled 28 days for this voyage. We could be faster, but we want to sail, and go with the best weather, and explore a little in Cape Verde too. We interview all applicants to make sure we have a diverse, like-minded and value sharing crew team. If you have been dreaming about sailing across the Atlantic, share similar values, and appreciate the crew selection, and safety standards, and schedule is all set up for you, this trip is IT! This is a hands-on active expedition. We have a professional captain and crew who’ll be showing us the ropes. Everyone on board is expected to take part in the running of the ship. This includes doing ‘watch’, cooking, cleaning, setting sails, chartwork, and learning and sharing as much as possible from each other. It’s part of the fun, experience, development and epiphany moment creation. That said, we’ll be many hands on board so there’ll be plenty of room to chill, relax and simply BE. SV Twister allows us to connect more souls in one place, away from civilization where we disconnect from everything but each other and nature. Instead of just sailing with a few souls, you’ll have around 15 beautiful people to talk with. We also encourage everyone joining to share their superpower, skill or story. So many interesting things to learn from each other. Jump on board and accelerate your sailing ambitions and lifestyle. With adventure Sailing, Ocean Exploration, Natural Lifestyle, Nomad Community & Ocean Conservation in the mix! With Expedition ON Atlantic, we are sailing around the Atlantic on a classic 36 meter schooner originally built in 1902. In 13 legs (you can join just one or all!) we travel +10.000 nautical miles, powered by wind and the energy of like minded purpose driven ocean adventurers on board. A hands-on ocean expedition discovering ways to live and travel more simple, wild, and pure. Experience the ocean nomads lifestyle, get natured, travel remote, explore the unknown, together with an international group of conscious ocean adventurers. Driven by passion and purpose for the love of the ocean. WE FACILITATE AND ACCELERATE Adventure Slow travel by sail, powered by wind, ruled by nature. Offshore and remote. On a 100+ year old hands on classic ship. No electrical winches here. With a bunch of ‘strangers,’ Expect the unexpected! Community Expand your network with insight and inspiration. We walk the extra mile to unite your soul tribe members on board. Connection and conversation at sea goes deeper in one day than months on land. Skill Building Learn and expand your seamanship, sailing, navigation, resilience, conscious living, adaptation & social skills. Exchange skills and stories with fellow crew members Lifestyle Gather tips and tools, to accelerate your journey to alternative adventurous conscious life on or near the sea. Lifestyle designing by and for ocean nomads. Impact We strive for minimum negative and maximum positive impact with our preparation & execution. The difference is in the details. WE GO THE EXTRA MILE TO... Unite Likeminded Adventure People Throughout our expeditions we bring together a unique mix of inspirational individuals talents and knowledge of the group. We release the power from the individual talents and knowledge into the group, for maximum learning experience. We select participants based on motivation, drive, and mindset. For legs of longer than 10 days we additionally interview on the phone to make sure expectations are aligned. Make Ocean Adventure Accessible No sailing experience is required. We happily teach. We believe that if more people get a chance to experience the ocean and all the magic that comes with it, the ocean wins more hearts. We like for you to see for yourself how beautiful the ocean are. And hopefully ignites a superpower within you to take steps into a conscious nomadic life in or near the sea. Voyages range between 7 days and one month. From offshore sailing to crossing oceans to exploring remote paradise islands. We provide a platform for nature connection, community, research, creation, while going remote. No budget? We have a scholarship option too. Prioritize Safety The ocean deserves our greatest respect. Sailing remotely is an endeavour not to be taken lightly. Teaming up with Twister allows us to combine professionalism, safety, and adventure, impact and community facilitation. After three offshore collaborations, the only thing we broke were 2 plates. Many certificates are obtained and complied with to pass the safety checks and requirements to take people out offshore. This comes with a cost but the rewards are priceless. Offshore we keep contact and update relatives about the trip. Route & Dates Atlantic Crossing | Tenerife – Cape Verde – Martinique | November 19 – December 20 | 28 days (1 spot for female left) Also possible: Amsterdam – Madeira | Oktober 15 – November 6 | 21 days (4 spots left) Madeira – Tenerife | November 7 – November 15 | 8 days (1 spot for female left)

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): does not matter

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 3): does not matter

Sailing with a Rally: None

I'm looking for (gender): female

Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: smoking allowed

Total people on board: 15

Crew roles: Adventurer & explorer Alternative lifestyle seeker Striving to do good Excited to share skills and stories Eager to learn, share and care Hands-on mindset Ambitious

Money: voyage cost $4

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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