This opportunity was posted on June 7, 2024

[ closed ] ARC+ 2024 Spain to Grenada ref 14898

wants 1 crew for Salto, Outremer 52, m.

From Las Palmas, Spain to St. George, Grenada.

November 2024 to December 2024.

We are a Norwegian family of 5 joining the ARC+ 2024. The rally starts early November and expect to finish in Grenada early December. The crew currently consists of three competent adults and three younger children (2.5, 6.5 and 10 years old). The boat is an Outremer 52. Fast and comfortable catamaran launched 2024. Four cabin version.

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader

Sailing with a Rally: None

I'm looking for (gender): either

Cabins/Sleeping : own cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 7-8

Crew roles: We are looking for 1-2 extra crew for the rally. You will have a separate cabin and shared head. All tasks on board will be shared among adult crew (cooking, watch keeping, maintenance etc). The ideal crew is young at heart, has some sailing skills and is easy going. If you know how to cook a dish or two that is excellent, as well as being comfortable around kids. You will need to get to and from the boat at your own expense. Other expenses/contributions to be discussed.

Money: daily contribution from crew

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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