This opportunity was posted on September 2, 2020
[ closed ] 2020 / 2021 – Brazil & the Amazon Brazil to Puerto Rico ref 12490

LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL SAILING CLUB wants 8 crew for Labora, Danish Hajkutter “shark cutter” style , m.
From , Brazil to , Puerto Rico.
January 2021 to April 2021.
The Newest Project -- Amazon expedition, environment, and cultural study sailing west to Brazil and the amazing Amazon region, we will be doing research and hands-on studies on this expedition, we are also looking at the ecological disaster that's unfolding and the deforestation problem, water quality, and the recent problems with the rain forest burning in conjunction with Brazilian culture in the north.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 3): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 4): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 5): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 6): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 7): does not matter
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 8): does not matter
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-hot bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board:
Crew roles: S/V LABORA is used as a base. We will hire also some caboclo guides to communicate fluently with locals. We could have several teams out surveying different aspects of the projects in the state of Amapá from the river explorations to the logging sites near Waiapi indigenous reserve. Then from the internal jungle trips, we will move to the coast exploring the national parks until the border with French Guyana. We will gather information with media telling a story of this region, its people, and the jungle life as we come across it in our travels in this region. The duration of the project is 2 months, the crew will be composed of up to 14 persons. Who has the following skills or passion is eager to apply: -forestry and agroforestry background -environmental and fishing studies background-filmmakers, videographers, photographers, journalists,
Money: voyage cost $2300
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: