Luigi Pertoldi, male, 30

Ref 88647

Nationality: Italy
Currently based in: Munich, Germany
Looking for: Caribbean; Mediterranean & Black Sea; Western Europe & North Atlantic Islands;
Experience: 0 ocean miles / 10000 coastal miles
I work at the Technical University of Munich as a researcher in Astroparticle Physics and I'm a passionate sailor. I've been on boats since when I was a kid thanks to my father, who introduced me to this world. I started to seriously learn sailing basics at the Centro Velico Caprera (Sardinia, Italy) 15 years ago and completed their 3-year course focused on offshore sailing. Since then, I've gained quite some experience by sailing the Mediterranean sea several times as crew member or skipper on monohulls. I've obtained my sailing license (without limits from the coast) in 2018. Other than sailing technique, I enjoy every aspect of life at sea and I can be of great help on board, also as a cook! For more details, here's my sailing resume: I'm looking for new adventures and mile-building opportunities to improve my sailing skills. I have never crossed the Atlantic and I'm particularly interested in joining a crew for ARC 2024. Contact me if you need valid help on board!
Smoking: non-smoker
Relationship status: single
Dietary requirements: None
Languages: English; Italian;
Social Links:

Luigi’s Sailing Experience

Number of years sailing: 10+
Sea miles sailed: Ocean: 0 / Coastal: 10000
Nights at sea: 11-49
I have experience as: Coastal Skipper
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Sailing Skills Experienced
I have done this many times and am confident to help others less experienced. I am happy doing this day
I am competent doing this in daylight, or if there is someone more experienced with me
I have only done this a few times, but I am willing to learn
I have not done this before
Steer a compass course x
Keep lookout/watch-keeping x
Trimming sails – mainsail and foresail/jib x
Reefing x
Working the foredeck – setting sails including spinnakers and cruising chutes x
Navigating with GPS and paper charts at sea x
Anchoring and handling anchors x
Cooking at sea x
Using dinghies with outboard motors x
Heaving-to and other heavy weather tactics x

Other nautical or cruising skills

Using VHF radiox
Using radarx
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