Jens Möller, male, 31

Ref 31155

Nationality: Sweden
Currently based in: Las palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Looking for: Worldwide opportunities
Experience: 2000 ocean miles / 500 coastal miles
Hello! I am a 25 yr old swedish guy who loves sailing looking for a boat in need of one extra crew-member! I have been sailing tall ships since I was a small boy. Except sailing I also enjoy cooking, people and playing music. I have a(swedish) certificate for driving passanger boats and vhf-cert.(skipper class VIII). I speak(very) basic spanish and good english. Right now I am in Las palmas de Gran Canaria but will ofcourse move if needed! Happily sharing dutys, costs, songs and storys along the way! Fair winds!
Smoking: non-smoker
Relationship status: single
Dietary requirements: None
Languages: English; Spanish;
Social Links:

Jens’s Sailing Experience

Number of years sailing: 20+
Sea miles sailed: Ocean: 2000 / Coastal: 500
Nights at sea: 80
I have experience as: Instructor (Ocean Sailing)
Invite this crew to
Sailing Skills Experienced
I have done this many times and am confident to help others less experienced. I am happy doing this day
I am competent doing this in daylight, or if there is someone more experienced with me
I have only done this a few times, but I am willing to learn
I have not done this before
Steer a compass course x
Keep lookout/watch-keeping x
Trimming sails – mainsail and foresail/jib x
Reefing x
Working the foredeck – setting sails including spinnakers and cruising chutes x
Navigating with GPS and paper charts at sea x
Anchoring and handling anchors x
Cooking at sea x
Using dinghies with outboard motors x
Heaving-to and other heavy weather tactics x

Other nautical or cruising skills

Using VHF radiox
Using radarx

Voyage History

Date Boat From/To Miles Role # Crew Rally
2010 Tall ship Porto/La palma 1200 Crew 0
2009 Tall ship Cherbourg/Porto 1000 Student 0
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