Neil Montague, male, 63

Ref 28998

Nationality: United Kingdom
Currently based in: Weymouth, United Kingdom
Looking for: Worldwide opportunities
Experience: 100000 ocean miles / 50000 coastal miles
Hello I am a chilled out sailor with a passion for sailing I will motor if the dead line requires it but sailing is always preferred . Falkor is a commercially coded boat that i am looking for crew to join me on the ARC 2018 the cost for this voyage is more expensive than the usual daily rate due to the expense of entering the Arc, I also have spaces for the voyages from the Uk to Cran Canaria leaving UK in September
Smoking: no
Relationship status: Single
Dietary requirements: None
Languages: English;
Social Links:


Neil’s Sailing Experience

Number of years sailing: 10+
Sea miles sailed: Ocean: 100000 / Coastal: 50000
Nights at sea: 50+
I have experience as: Instructor (Ocean Sailing)
Invite this crew to
Sailing Skills Experienced
I have done this many times and am confident to help others less experienced. I am happy doing this day
I am competent doing this in daylight, or if there is someone more experienced with me
I have only done this a few times, but I am willing to learn
I have not done this before
Steer a compass course x
Keep lookout/watch-keeping x
Trimming sails – mainsail and foresail/jib x
Reefing x
Working the foredeck – setting sails including spinnakers and cruising chutes x
Navigating with GPS and paper charts at sea x
Anchoring and handling anchors x
Cooking at sea x
Using dinghies with outboard motors x
Heaving-to and other heavy weather tactics x

Other nautical or cruising skills

Using a sextant for astro-navigationx
Using VHF radiox
Diesel engine maintenancex
Outboard engine maintenancex
Repairing or making sailsx
Using radarx
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