This opportunity was posted on March 14, 2025

[ active ] D R -> Philippines Dominican Republic to Philippines ref 15335

Guido Budack wants 1 crew for sassyslee, custom, m.

From puerto plata, Dominican Republic to Puerto Princessa, Philippines.

February 2026 to June 2025.

is a former custom aluminum build IOR racer (flat deck). After I purchased her in Detroit/USA she is experiencing a refit on a mooring in the D R. Soon she will be seaworthy again. In 2026 I want to sail and race her to the Philippines, then Thailand. The route is still to be determined and for this to let happen I'm looking for one (possibly two) strong, good man who want to do this with me. There is no contribution but I'm not paying anything either. If you are looking for a 'convenient ride' THIS ONE IS NOT FOR YOU! The aim is to average 8 knots using the full sail inventory all the time. There is no sanitation (yet) and before you ask there will be no water maker. Hitchhikers, freeloaders, people with mental, health or drug problems - PLEASE DON'T BOTHER CONTACTING (AGAIN)! It be helpful if you had a technical background and are experience in sailing. More information under HTTP//

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter

Sailing with a Rally: Independent

I'm looking for (gender): either

Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 2

Crew roles: physically and mentally fit

Money: expenses shared equally

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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