This opportunity was posted on June 28, 2023

[ Cancelled ] England to Gibraltar July-August 2023 United Kingdom to Spain ref 14329

wants 1 crew for Seraphina of Chichester, Island Packet 440, 13.95m.

From River Crouch , United Kingdom to Marina Bay Gibraltar, Spain.

July 2023 to August 2023.

A family boat sailing from UK to Gibraltar this summer. We plan to leave the River Crouch on the East Coast and sail via Alderney to Brest. From Brest we will cross Biscay directly towards Cape Finisterre. We are closely monitoring the interactions with Orca on the Iberian coast and will make routing decisions subject to information available at the time, either hoping down the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal or staying well offshore all the way down. We will then make stops along the Algarve and Spanish south Atlantic coast as we head towards Gibraltar. We plan to take up to a month subject to weather conditions. Seraphina is a comfortable boat and very well equipped.

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader

Sailing with a Rally: None

I'm looking for (gender): female

Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 5-6

Crew roles: As you would be sharing a cabin with our daughter we are looking for a female crew member. You should be qualified and experienced in standing a solo night watch and ready and able to assist in all areas of the sailing. You should have already had experience of an ocean passage and have a good experience of holding watches, sail trimming and basic navigation. We would like someone who is friendly and personable and happy to join us as part of the family for this trip. On board will be my wife and I our adult son 18 year old daughter and 13 year old son. Watches will be taken by myself my adult son and the guest crew on the basis of 3 hours on 6 off, subject to conditions. All food onboard is included as well as crew meals ashore. We have Starlink onboard and therefore hopefully an internet connection for much of the passage.

Money: captain pays all expenses

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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