This opportunity was posted on June 11, 2022
[ closed ] Morehead City to Solomons United States to United States ref 13604
Bob Etter wants 2 crew for Just Us, ETAP 37s, m.
From Morehead City, United States to Solomons, Md, United States.
June 2022 to June 2022.
Looking for crew to help move Just Us from Morehead City to Solomons in the Chesapeake via Hatteras. Looking to depart on or about Wed, June 15. Anticipate a 3 day passage. Trip will be nonstop and you will be expected to stand solo night watches.
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): Watch-leader
What roles/experience are needed (Crew 2): Watch-leader
Sailing with a Rally: Independent
I'm looking for (gender): either
Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk
Smoking on board: smoking allowed
Total people on board: 3
Crew roles: Looking for experienced passage makers that are interested in a quick run around Hatteras, up the coast into the Chesapeake and thence to Solomons, MD.
Money: captain pays all expenses
Travel to and from boat: crew pays
Other Info: