This opportunity was posted on November 6, 2018

[ Cancelled ] Caribbean sail Virgin Islands - US to Virgin Islands - US ref 10385

Charl Garabedian wants 1 crew for Watercolors, Outbound , 14m.

From Coral bay, Virgin Islands - US to St Thomas USVI , Virgin Islands - US.

February 2018 to May 2019.

Sail from St John USVI to Trinidad. Then sail back to St John USVI, Will stop at Islands of interest. To explore . May fo some fun sailing races slso.

What roles/experience are needed (Crew 1): does not matter

Sailing with a Rally: Independent

I'm looking for (gender): female

Cabins/Sleeping : shared cabin-own bunk

Smoking on board: non-smokers only

Total people on board: 2

Crew roles: Female crew to sail on Watercolors, 45' sloop, from St John USVI to Trinidad, then back to St John USVI. Will sail stright down, then sail back and stop in Islands of interest ! No schedual, has some cooking abilities. and has sailing knowledge . Fun sail, to explore Islands and bays.

Money: captain pays all expenses

Travel to and from boat: crew pays

Other Info:

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